High school is one of the best years of a student’s life. It is way more challenging than grade school because of added school loads and responsibilities. Yet, it’s still memorable because it is the time to meet new friends and discover yourself more. You’ll learn about your strengths and weaknesses as a person. You’ll be able to unleash hidden skills and talents. You’ll have your favorite and least favorite subjects and teachers. Aside from that, this is also the time to discover which type of learning style best fits you to maximize your learning potential. You heard it right, there are different types of learning styles and this blog will help you know which type you are and which study tricks are the best for you.
Learning is not a “one-type-fits-all” model
Did you ever wonder why a certain lesson is tough for you yet seems so easy for your classmates? This is quite frustrating especially if you know you like the topic but can’t just get it. Then, you might have a problem with the learning style or teaching method. Stewart and Felicetti define learning styles “as those educational conditions under which a student is most likely to learn.”
For instance, your literature teacher asked you to research about Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Your seatmate happily reads the book while you prefer to download the audiobook and listen to it. This shows your learning preference. There are different learning styles in the classroom. One model which would explain this is Neil Fleming’s VARK’s Model. VARK stands for visual, auditory/aural, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learning. He developed this as a guide on how to accommodate different learning styles in the classroom.
4 Different Types of Learning Styles: Which Learner Are You?
Want to know which learning style fits your preference? Here’s a guide to know how:
Download infographic here.
Edukasyon.ph added that everyone can learn under any style. This model seeks to help students and teachers know what learning style would increase the student’s comprehension and retention rate.
High School Survival Guide: Life Advice for High School Students
Aside from knowing these learning styles, it is also important for you to maintain a good study habit. Here are study tips and pieces of simple advice for school students:
Tip #1: Avoid cheating. Cheating will not take you anywhere aside from the Principal’s office. Copying answers during tests is like fooling yourself that you’re learning when in reality, you’re not. If you’re afraid to fail your tests, then you must study hard which will lead you to tip #2.
Tip #2: Review your syllabus. Read your books ahead of time. This will give you enough time to research for possible questions and take part in the class discussion. Additionally, you can adapt your learning style while reviewing to help you grasp the academic track lesson better. You can also search for grade 9, grade 10, and other k-12 curriculum quizzes online to practice your skills.
Tip #3: Plan ahead. Always remember that junior high school is your preparation for senior high school. If you’re a visual learner and want to take Media and Visual Arts or Animation subjects in senior high school, then you must pay attention to its related subjects. You can also look for online resources and browse during your free time.
Looking for a school which offers senior high school programs and acknowledges different types of learning styles? CIIT Philippines is the best school for you. Head over to CIIT senior high school page or visit CIIT official website to know more.
Sources: teachhub.com | teach.com | advancementcourses.com | inc.com | time4learning.com | blog.edukasyon.ph | nwlink.com
Photo by Giftpundits
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